We live in a culture of thirty-second soundbites. We elect presidents based on how well they come across in short, carefully crafted, segments, which at best are superficial, and often are outright misleading. Unfortunately, this superficially has carried over into our understanding of the Bible, and therefore our understanding of the God of the Bible. It is difficult to get into the meat of the Word in short segments. When ministering the Word from week to week the congregation is made up of people with different levels of interest and understanding. We desire to build a communication tool which allows you to have access to Biblical information when you want it. The sermon notes, teachings, and definitions offered here are intended to help you as the Holy Spirit leads you into truth.
As we have grown older, we have begun to see Christianity in a more generational context and really desire to transfer as much good wisdom to you, our children and grandchildren , as possible. We would really like for them to avoid the bad "stuff" and just embrace the things which lead to a successful life. In 2010 Lynne and I started sending e-mails to our children, their mates, and our grandchildren. Lynne sometimes follows up with her viewpoint. Several men and women have expressed their desire to do the same. One of the benefits of this site will be to help encourage you to do the same thing. It is not very hard and has the potential to do a lot of good. We have shared a select few on this website.
We make no claims of infallibility. We have attempted to present Biblical Truth which is simple and true to the letter and Spirit of the Bible. Pray that God will protect you from any error which may be included in these pages. Attempt to understand what is being taught and be confident to reject any thing which appears to be in error. Growing in Christian maturity is a process and discernment is needful every step of the way. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, comments or issues you may have with any teaching. Your comments will be valued and may be very helpful to us in our journey of knowing God better every day.
Please sign-in to our guestbook page and let us hear your comments or questions. Also if there is a topic or question you wish we'd discuss please also state that in your message.